Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 2: The meaning behind your blog name.

I have a good friend who is a wonderful blogger. I was talking to her about what I should name my blog. She asked me the "direction" of my blog, again I don't really have one. But I told her that if i were to have a direction to take my blog it would be a blog around my cooking and reviews of different recipes. Now, I give her credit for coming up with my blog name but I can't guarantee that cooking will be the direction I will actually take. The title (have I mentioned I love it?) has duel meanings in that regard. The phrase "a little bit of this, a little bit of that" used frequently in cooking has been slightly altered for the title of my blog. Eh EH! It's good. I also enjoy the fact that it can be used in other aspects of my blog. For instance, if I decide to post a random thought one day it will just be a little bit of Lolo that day. Maybe a little bit of that. Any who, you get the idea. I love it! Thanks Jaycie!

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